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Updated: 2024-08-19

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Friday, February 10, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023 - Friday, February 10, 2023

Bathing at hot springs.

Bathing at hot springs.

Bathing at hot springs.

Bathing at hot springs.

Hotel swimming pool.

Hotel swimming pool.

We slept reasonably well at the Baan Rabeang Mok Resort.
We go for breakfast, and that's what we expected, very simple, soggy bread, rice soup, eggs, jam and instant coffee. We'll just have to deal with that. Fortunately, the people in the restaurant are very friendly.

After breakfast, we head back to the hot spring, which operates with 40-minute periods in which you can bathe. Then the water is changed for the next group. The water is not so warm this time.
We try to buy a subsequent period, but that is not possible, the bath is completely full. Then at the end of the afternoon and that's possible.

After the hot bath, Pia wants to take a look at the hotel's swimming pool. That pool is quite small, too small for serious swimming. Pia slips over smooth stones, luckily she ends up in the water and not on the stones, but this is a fright. The damage appears to be limited to a bruise on her heel.

We decide, following what people in the hot bath have said, to go to a market, the Oh Poi Market; it would be very nice.
With the help of navigation on the phone we get there, and it is quiet, very quiet, the market is closed.
As we write this we see that this market is only open on Saturdays and Sundays.
We'll just drive back.

On the way we decide to have lunch at Maprang Kitchen near the hotel. This would be the best restaurant in the area.
We order yam, fried veggies and a small fried tilapia. The fish is at least twice as large as the largest tilapia we have ever seen in the Netherlands, and yet this is a small one.
After dinner we sit on the terrace in the hotel.

The second time we bathe, the water is much warmer than this morning, very warm even, although there are people who would prefer it a little warmer. After bathing, we wait for our food to be ready, and then we eat in the garden of the hotel.
The food is not bad, but it's not what we actually want, we just want to sit in a good restaurant, but that's not possible around here.

Written on: 2023-02-12


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